UH-34D Sea Horse
kit no: 066
build time: March 19 2017 - May 24 2017

First off - interior:  base grey color, black consoles, and some details picked out, little drybrushing and a wash.

Putting the stuff together and slapping some paint on the (very basic) seats

And then we paint the seats and glue the cabin together

Glue in the windows and mask the starboard side door

Internals into place

And of course I lost one of the windows. Let's hope the Kristal Klear and fix this at the end...

Buttoning it up, and breaking off the tail wheel strut at the same time.

Office in place.

And the floor plate in place as well. At this point a little sanding was required to get it to fit properly, and a little
filling/sanding to fix it up

At which point it was also time to get the IP ready. Again, base grey, and some touchups with a bit of color and some drybrushing

After filling and sanding, the bottom looks like this. Lots of scratches but I think and hope they won't be there anymore after primer. I can't feel them anymore.

Same for the topside, with the two sinkmarks filled up as well.

Bad lighting, but the nose has also been attached.

IP in place as well

I'm not gonna be working on the seam on the nose. Unless I am mistaken, in which case this will look awful, these two can open up, which would leave a seam anyway.

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