XB-70 valkyrie
kit no: 1282
build start: June 30 2016

Well, 4 days and 45+ photo's later we continue our quest.

First off - the finished cockpit

And then the completed nose section

With the spine and a 30 cm/12 inch ruler:

And then we hit the first real problem: here's the upper wing parts put together:


En how about this

Nose section, spine and upper wings together for a full length picture: almost 80 cm/32 inches

En when you fit the lower halves of the wings to the upper halves, well time to whip up a new batch of styrene filler

Well, let's hit it with some styrene and some filler

The intakes btw also will need some work

After more sanding, we come upon this

And some panellines restored.

Unfortunately, the glasswork fits, but not very well

Get out the masking tape. Masking off is easy because there's a considerable height difference between the glasswork and the framework

Too bad the sides also have glass in em, but no framing whatsoever

Won't be exact, but good enough.

En then we add some styrene to fill the holes, as well as some homebrew filler.

After sanding, it looks somewhat decent. If it's good enough I won't know until this gets some primer.

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