2002 Camaro 2'n 1
kit no: 85-4273
build time: February 19 2016 - February 27 2016

And today we go on. First, the chairs and side panels got some light grey (GS53), some masking tape, and then some darker grey(GS68).

The underside got a coat of Gunze's black, followed by a drybrush of the same light grey as used before.

The engineblock got some extra colors: aluminium (well, technically speaking this is vallejo's Steel), a mixture of Steel and Black (which is a metallic black actually) for the pipes on the side, and some real black for the belts. And yes - that red color is the same orange as the body. Lighting does crazy things....

The body was treated to some 4 coats of ZeroPaints 2K Clear and will now need to set completely fort a few days before I will mask it off to paint what's under the hood.

And then we have a riddle for you all....

They want you to slide the windows in from the front, then pop the rear window back up and out the opening. And all this without breaking the windows or the paint on the body. I'm seriously considering just cutting this thing in 2 parts so I can fit both windows from the outside....

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