B-26 B/G Marauder
kit no: 04525
build time: June 23 2014 - November 5 2014

So, after some remodelling of the  house and in between painting some doors, I finallt got around (and the nerve) to start messing with this load of PE I have.

Let's start simple with a envelop type thingie. On the left the PE, on the right the bit it's going to replace

Then we have some stuff for the pilot/co-pilot's chairs:

I definitely need some kind of foolding tool. The Tamiya bending pliers and some patience works, but the fold tool I have is some plastic bthingie which is apparantly unable to hold the PE parts into place when screwed down tight. As in utterly useles....

Oh well. It came out pretty nice [smile]

Then the steering assembly. First glue two parts together, sand off the raised dial detail, and paint it up in interior green.

Then we get the PE ready

Not bad if I do say so myself:

Not sure yet if I wanna put in all the handles. This part already has 6 and I can't even see them....

Cockpit assembled

You might notice I didn't use the PE seats. I felt they looked weird, so I grabbed the PE rails and glued them to the bottom, then worked the seat frame into the plastic parts, and glued that in.

The cockpit sidewalls got some parts as well

Nice stuff, that colored photo etch. My first time. Just means a bit of work figuring out which parts to do before painting and which parts to go on after.

And then we have the cockpit assembly glued into the side fuselage

And then you remember.... oh right... I also had the PE seatbelts set. Hmm..... maybe I'll just keep that for later or try to sell it. Or keep it as spare parts. Anyways - time to paint up the bombbay and figure out what PE goes in there. Or maybe I should figure out first if I wanna pose it open or closed....

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