It's time for a quickie build. The object: one of the Airfix new toolings, the DeHavilland Vampire T.11. As usual with Airfix' new offerings, the sprues are in lightgrey plastic, crisply molded, with slightly overdone recessed panel lines. Personally, I don't mind... Decals are by Cartograph. Can't go wrong there... As always, we start with the cockpit. Airfix has included two pilotfigures, and for the first time in human history, they fit without having the chop off their legs! And then it's already time for a dryfit with the tub in place. No problemo. And we add some noseweight. Airfix suggests 7 grams, I tested it and 4 was enough, so I went with 6. The IP is a decal, but you're never gonna see it anyway. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a few shots of the finished tub :(