Douglas F4D-1 Skyray
kit no: 61055
build time: January 1 2014 - February 3 2013

Progress... well, a little anyway. Most of my building happens on the weekends, so things may slow down a bit tomorrow...

Anyways, the bangseat's done.

Prett mych according to instructions, though not entirely. The base color is German Panzer Grey drybrushed a bit with a lighter grey to simulate a somewhat worn look. Als, it made the rails stand out a lighter color, with the original dark grey providing some shadow effect. Then the box on top got a coat of the same Panzer Grey lightened a wee bit. The difference in color is barely noticeable, but that was the idea. I took some artistic license with the headrest. Tamiya would have you paint it the very same color, but I went for a dark red, by simply mixing Red with some Green. Not sure if the pull handle should be yellow, or if the black stripes should be there, but they're there now...

The cockpit, according to tamiya, should all be semi gloss black. It's a bit too dark, so I picked out some details behind the pilot with the Panzer Grey again. The difference is subtle, but there.

The IP is a simple decal, and then there's a nice big screen below that which I did in white and then clear green. Looks nice enough. Yes the decal cracked but I doubt you can see it once installed.

Put it together and were here:

And after Captain Noname takes his seat, we have this:

He's gonna stay outside looking on until we're done. Or I might just slip him in already, and then use the canopy to mask off the pit. Maybe that's the easiest anyway. And yes, I did do some testfitting to make sure I can still get seat and pilot installed afterwards

All that's left now is to let this dry, give it a coat of flat, and then install it into the fuselage and put that together too.

In the mean time, the EFTs were glued, sanded, and primered. They look decent enough and I even managed to not lose all of the raised detail on them.

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