The idea was to make this a step-by-step build. Apparantly, I failed seeing how much has happened since the last update. Still, plenty more to do... First off, we glued in the canopy with some MicroScale Kristal Klear. Then we drill a little hole and glue in some hollow tube. A second tube will fit perfectly. This one has been crimped together at the top so the other one only goes in so far. The idea is simple: the model will be detachable from the stand, and the wiring will go through the hollow tubes. Unfortunately, this broke on the first test fit. Not much else to see, since the rest of the photo's I took of several things I tried were lost when the SD card turned out corrupt. Also, I had planned on 3 points for lights: the cockpit and two exhausts, but I limited myself to the cockpit only, due to lack of space. And then everything had to come together. Lots of glue, lots of waiting, more glue, plenty of seams, you get the idea. Then we recribed some of the raised panel detail, and then it was time for masking and painting. This is what it looks like after 3 sessions of filling, sanding and priming. On to round #4. Still not done :(