XB-70 valkyrie
kit no: 1282
build start: June 30 2016

I'm going to be tackling something bigfor a change. My choice of subject is this:

To get my model, I will be tackling the old AMT/ERTL kit from 1995, in the second Italeri reboxing:

The box is big, but doesn't contain a lot of parts. Mostly the box is big because it needs to fit some big parts.

(that's a just-under-12-inches (30 cm) ruler))

The level of detail on the parts actually isn't too bad (just the fit is I hear)

And one of the bits from which you can always recognize this beast: the six exhausts

Parts for the bang seats

And Italeri offers a choice: the wings can be in the up or in the down position. Although if I'm not mistaken the down position was only used in flight to achieve Mach 3 speeds, I have seen a photo of the wings in the down position while the aircraft was on the ground. So I'm probably going to go with that option.

2 canopy pieces. I will have to figure out the difference before I pick one I guess

The instructions are simple in few steps, as you'd expect with a kit of few parts.

I read somewhere the decals in the box were the stuff of true nightmares. Guess I am lucky to get a new reboxing, as these decals aren't so bad. They're by Cartograf so should be trouble free!

And a little extra: exterior PE set, white metal undercarriage struts, resin wheels, and a PE exhaust system.

Now if I could only overcome my ever present issues with white paints.....

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